591 / AMOONGUSS - Pok�mon Papercraft
Name: Amoonguss
Type: Grass/Poison
Species: Mushroom Pok�mon
Height: 0.6 m (2?00?)
Weight: 10.5 kg (23.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Amoonguss is a mushroom-like Pokemon with a Poke ball desing on its arms and cap (in which there are warts) that it uses to lure preys. Its a carnivore Pokemon that lives in long grass, where only the mushroom caps can be seen. A shiny Amoonguss has the color partern resembling a Master ball.

Height: 14.3 cm / 5.6 in
Width: 15.5 cm / 6.1 in
Depth: 13.1 cm / 5.1 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 25
Level: Easy
Designer: LuIS
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Pretty straight forward model, start with the bottom of the body, closing at the top. I suggest leaving a couple tabs unglued, just til you can see if it will stand properly with the top, in case it doesnt, put a coin inside. Glue the mouth before closing the body and the hands as soon as its closed. Start the cap with piece 16 and build around it, closing at the place it will connect with the body. Use a pencil to round the pieces and give it a more round shape.

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